Movies are like dream. they send us to another reality. When we watch a really good film, we forget that we are watching something, but feel like we are inside it. I am sure this has happened to you. And then when the credit at the end, we are a little sad that is over and that we have to wake up to reality.

The role of a movie is to simulate reality. Most of how we perceive the world is through our sense if hearing: As we approach a street corner, our ears tell us that a car is approaching before we look at it. Bad audio pulls us out of the film experience, however. When audio is bad, viewer think about problems of the production instead of following the story, Which is the opposite of what a film is supposed to do. Take for example, a scene that is shot in a large room, but where the focus is on an intimate exchange between a mother and a baby. The mother whisper tenderly to her new born. we are drawn into the scene. However, if the audio sound reverberate, the effect would be jarring, the tender moment is lost, and we wouldn’t believe the story.

Sound also gives us a sense of space. A common example is a warm summer evening: A door from an interior opens and before we see the outside, we hear the sound of cicadas and insects informing us of the external setting. Sound can give us us information that the picture or dialogue cannot.

There are many layers of sound that surround us all of the time. Our perception of it is almost subconscious. for us to work in audio post production, we have to learn how to hear the layers independently. it is a very different way to listen. I heard someone say that audio post production is everything between the words. They were right